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PEOs and POs


PEOs and POs:

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) for MBA:
The MBA graduates will:

PEO1: The graduates of PG program will gain employment as IT Experts

PEO2: To educate the students with fundamental knowledge of analysis and computational areas.

PEO3: Excel in professional career and/or higher education by acquiring knowledge in mathematical, computing and engineering principles.

PEO4: Analyze real life problems, design computing systems appropriate to its solutions that are technically sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable

PEO5: Exhibit professionalism, ethical attitude, communication skills, team work in their profession and adapt to current trends by engaging in lifelong learning./p>

The graduates of this program will be able to:

PSO 1: Understand and apply the computing techniques with mathematics and industrial concepts for solving the real time industrial problems.

PSO 2: Analyze, design, develop, test and maintain the software applications with latest computing tools and technologies.

PSO 3: Ability to acquire practical competency with emerging technologies ,programming languages and open source platforms.

PSO 4: Practice the technologies of human computer interaction, information management, programming and networking.